
Trust, reliability and quality are top priority at Leginda

Translations are a matter of trust. To gain and retain your trust on a long-term basis is our top priority. This only works with reliability and continuous adherence to and checking of highest quality standards. Therefore, we have developed a variety of mechanisms that guarantee high quality professional translations of your texts and documents. These are incorporated into our overall quality management and include resource and project management, technical expertise and quality control.

The target country principle

Thanks to the adherence to the target country principle, we can guarantee a better quality of our translations. The principle says that our translators usually live in the country into whose language they translate into. This quality criterion assures that the applied language skills are up-to-date. In this context, all necessary cultural, linguistic and political knowledge required for an effective translation is incorporated.

The mother-tongue principle

To achieve a higher quality of our translations, we apply the mother-tongue principle as far as possible. It says that only native speakers are able to produce high quality translations as far as linguistic, technical and cultural standards are concerned. The European Commission’s in-house translation service also works according to this principle.

Resource management

Our service is not only about translating. To live up to our quality standard we must have the relevant resources. These are mainly the right translators and the selection of translation tools such as terminology, documentations etc. When you place an order with us, we take care of the difficult bit. This service is already included in the price!

Project management

Our project management includes the application of structured and transparent work flows, which are entered via our platform. Furthermore, it includes the selection of a suitable competent translator for your text and the coordination of all persons involved in the order process.

Technical competence

In order for our system to run smoothly and for you to have access to it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we have a technical department which ensures that the platform is always ready for operation. Our technical department also ensures the security of your data. All this is carried out through transparent work flows and on the basis of the most recent quality standards.